This coming Sunday is Easter Sunday which means lots of chocolate bunnies, napping and spending time with family and friends. One of the most celebrated of Christian holidays and celebrations it also means cooking that traditional Easter Sunday Dinner and no Easter dinner would be complete without baked ham, potato salad, and green bean casserole.
Here is a roundup of the best traditional Easter Sunday Dinner Recipes:
This recipe is the ham your grandma most likely made. The prep is simple and most importantly pretty effortless when you put your ham in the oven. As mentioned earlier, this is old-school cooking so allow for up to 4 hours for your ham to cook.
Campbell’s Green Bean Casserole
What do you get when you mix a large can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup, 3 cans of french-style green beans and some French’s Crispy Onion Toppers? Well, a good commercial for these staple products but a traditional side at the Easter Dinner table. The recipe is shared here but I’m pretty sure the folks at Campbell’s print it on the cans as well.
Traditional Southern Mustard, Egg and Pickle Potato Salad
While I realize that Colorado is not the South, you have to admit that the Southern states have a pretty good handle on how to make mustard potato salad. Plus, you will want to get rid of some of those hard-boiled Easter eggs you colored.
Again, this is not a new spin on deviled eggs…this is your standard staple app that tends to get snarfed up pretty fast. That’s right, you know who you are…the one that eats half the platter of deviled eggs before they’ve been set out for thirty seconds. If need be, you can double the batch size of this recipe.
I’m really hoping you saved room for dessert after digging into your Easter basket. Personally, speaking I usually buy these cakes at the local grocery store, but if you want to bake your butt off, this recipe fits the bill. Plus, it has M & Ms.
Lastly, everyone at the Gourmet Meat & Sausage Shop would like to wish you and yours a wonderful Easter Sunday. Be safe and be well.